
Agence Francine Picotin

Agence Francine Picotin

We cumulate more than 20 years of experience in respiratory care in different areas of the public healthcare system (emergency room, intensive care, general care, anesthesiology, medical research, spirometry, asthma and COPD management education) but also in the private sector (personal, commercial).

We have worked with children and adults alike.

Our background made us realize that there is an important gap in the management of the respiratory care in the public healthcare system. Many clients still don’t know how to recognise if a respiratory crisis is on the way; they don’t know what to do to avoid being out of breath or don’t understand why they need puffers.

«My doctor thinks I might be asthmatic. He prescribed puffers for 2 weeks. The pharmacist explained how to use the puffers and when to use them. But after the 2 weeks, what should I do? Do I wait for the next crisis? What can be done to avoid running out of breath?»



Our mission is to help our clients optimize their respiratory health by bringing a personalized solution to their needs.

Our objective is also to answer questions you might have about your respiratory health.

Motivated by our values of benevolence and empathy, we put our skills at our clients’ services in order to improve their quality of life.

You now have a direct access to a professional respiratory therapist.




Unselfish concern for the welfare of others.

We want to improve your quality of life.


Inclination or tendency to help or do good to others; charity.

We want to help you.


Ability to understand and share feelings of another.

We understand what you are going through.


Ability to do something well; expertise.

We can help you.

Agence Francine Picotin (AFP) is always on the look-out for the latest development in order give you the best respiratory management advice.

*COPD : Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Francine Picotin

Member of :

  • Ordre professionnel des inhalothérapeutes du Québec (OPIQ)
  • Réseau québécois d’éducation en santé respiratoire (RQESR)
  • Canadian Network for Respiratory Care (CNRC)
  • Quebec Lung Association

Blue Cross insurances approved health services provider.

Authorised prescriber by Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec.

Can prescribe nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) such as:gum, lozenge, patch, quick mist or inhaler.

Fees covered by some insurance companies.



Health professionals (pharmacist, doctors)

Accessibility to a clinical professional

Interdisciplinarity work

Clinical Partner

Health Care Professional : Knowledge, Know-how, Social skills

Clinical expert on respiratory health

Licenced to prescribe nicotine replacement therapy.

Simplicity and Flexibility

Enhancing the customer experience (Time-saving, close to home)

Education in asthma and COPD: for the clients and for the staff

Clients – Individuals At home


Accessibility to a clinical professional

Optimization of quality of life

By enhancing the breath (Decrease of breathlessness)

Personalized and Benevolent approach

Answers to your questions and needs


Time-saving (Shorter commute, Decrease of transport costs)

Spirometry available quickly

Peace of mind


Tips :  practical and simple, easily integrated into everyday life

Tools to help manage shortness of breath

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